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Hobletts Manor Infants' and Nursery School
Achievement for all

Year 2

The children in Year 2 will each be given a paper based learning pack with specific tasks linked to all areas of the National Curriculum. Children will be expected to complete these activities on a daily basis and send them to their class teacher either via the school blog or email. The class teacher will then reply to this with feedback and comments about the work.


All sessions have been carefully planned and sequence to build upon children’s prior knowledge and experiences and to further develop their skills in key areas. These tasks will be linked to a key topic, ensuring tasks have a purpose and are relevant for the child.


Your class will be uploading blog posts with examples of work, as well as videos to support you with the tasks. These can be found in the School Videos section on the school website and will vary from modelling an activity to reading a text or addressing misconceptions.


As well as the paper based activities, teachers will set your child a daily task on Purple Mash. This is a secure and safe learning platform which the children are already familiar with. They each have their own personal log ins to our school portal, but we ask for you to remind yourselves of the expectations from our eSafety Policy (available via the school website).

Once tasks have been submitted on Purple Mash, the teachers can supply written feedback and you can even send each other voice recordings!


Please take care of yourselves and remember to contact the school if we can be of any support to you. You can call the school office or email the class teachers


Take care of yourselves, keep safe and keep in touch
