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Hobletts Manor Infants' and Nursery School
Achievement for all

Learning from home

 Purple Mash:


There is a wide range of educational activities and games for your children to access via the school Purple Mash account.  This can be accessed via the school’s website (click on the ‘Useful Links’ icon).  Mini Mash is particularly appropriate for the children in Nursery and Reception.


To access Purple Mash, use your child's class name as the username e.g. badgers and the word fun, as the password.



Oxford Owl online books:

The link below will take you to a registration page for Oxford Owl.  Once you have completed the simple registration, you will have free access to many online, banded books.  The children can read the books or have the books read to them. 


White Rose Maths:

On the White Rose website, there are daily lessons that the children can access which are really well planned and linked to the current curriculum for individual year groups.  If you can download the worksheet and print it off that would be ideal although it is just as easy for the children to write answers in the home learning books we sent home with the children's packs.  Answers to the questions are included so the children can be the teachers and mark their own work!

Follow this link:


The school blog is also another useful and exciting way for children to stay connected with the school community during this challenging time.  There are lots of wonderful posts from children, sharing what they have been getting up to at home.  There are also plenty of ideas for activities posted by the class teachers throughout the week.  Login details for the blog have previously been sent out via the home learning packs.  If you are unable to find these details and would like your child to join the blogging school community, please contact your child's class teacher who will be able to provide the details.


Please see the list below for individual class email addresses.  If you have any questions or you need any extra resources, please do not hesitate to contact us: 


Thank you once again for your continued support :)



Here are a selection of websites and articles you may find helpful.