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Hobletts Manor Infants' and Nursery School
Achievement for all

Forest Schools and Outdoor Learning

What is Forest Schools?


'Forest Schools is a unique way of building independence, self-esteem and a positive attitude towards learning in children they explore and experience the natural world for themselves.  A combination of freedom and responsibility is beneficial to all children.  Valuable life skills are learnt - communication, team working and responsibility.'


Parents and carers are welcome to come to Forest Schools sessions to help.  Grandparents are welcome too.  Speak to your class teacher if you are able to help.  


Reception Forest Schools Planning


 “Structuring the environment and supporting children’s learning is as important outside as in”


Outdoor learning provides essential experience for children and their development.  Movement is believed to be one of the most natural channels for learning; the outdoors provides opportunity for children to learn through movement.  Learning in the outdoors gives children a sense of freedom which cannot be replicated indoors.  It is also important for children’s physical, mental and emotional development.


We value outdoor learning as an intrinsic part of the curriculum. By ensuring outdoor learning is an integral part of the school routine we consciously seek to transmit a positive attitude to the outdoors and enrich the child’s understanding of the world.

We aim to provide a safe, stimulating outdoor environment where space is used effectively to enable children to explore a broad and balanced curriculum using a range of interesting resources suitable to their individual needs.


Throughout the EYFS, the outdoor area will be resourced and available for the children to access on a daily basis. Children will be able to choose to use the outdoor area and focus activities may be planned for outdoors at a fixed time of the day.


In KS1, cross curricular learning opportunities will be planned for. Children will be encouraged to learn through real experiences, for example by accessing the school garden, using the themed outdoor resources etc. Effective practice outdoors involves providing opportunities for children in meaningful, engaging experiences that support their development in all areas of the curriculum.
