The children in Reception will each be given a paper-based learning pack for the time they are not in school. These will be created with 2-3 weeks' work in each time, with further packs made available for the duration of the time of any closures. The packs will be focussed on developing skills from the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. They will include activities to develop the prime areas;
As well as the Specific areas of learning;
We will ensure children also have Phonics based sessions, linked to the essential Letters and Sounds scheme which they are familiar with.
When planning the tasks, staff have tried to ensure they are appropriate for their age and have supplied any specific resources the children need. If you require any other resources, please speak with your class teacher who will be happy to supply these.
Children still need the opportunity to play and we feel that 'little and often' is a method which works best when children are learning at home. We do not expect them to complete recorded tasks for long periods of time and this can in fact be detrimental to their learning. We have included a selection of practical tasks as well as cutting and sticking. The children are familiar with this style of learning and we would like to promote independence and resilience whilst they complete these.
Your Class Teachers will upload various blog posts and videos to the school website to support the children with the tasks. This may be reading a specific text, modelling an activity or sharing a story. Please check the School Videos section on the school website for further information.
The children will also be set a task each day on Purple Mash. This is a safe and secure learning platform where the children each have their own login details to the school portal. The tasks set will be linked to the specific learning or theme from the week. It will vary from word processing, Phonics, Maths games and creating pictures or images. These tasks will need to be submitted for the Class Teacher to give feedback. You can even send each other voice recordings! We ask that our families make themselves aware of our eSafety Policy as the safeguarding of the children is our number one priority.
If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact your Class Teacher by email
Take care of yourselves and we hope to see you all soon.