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Hobletts Manor Infants' and Nursery School
Achievement for all


Hobletts Manor Infants and Nursery School Governors


What do we as School Governors do?

It is our role as the governing body to help our Head Teacher, Sue Dyer, and her Senior Leadership Team to define and set the strategic goals for the school’s development. We also monitor and evaluate progress towards the achievement of these goals and act as a ‘critical friend’ supporting but challenging the team to achieve them. Our ultimate aim is to ensure that Hobletts Manor Infants and Nursery School is providing the best possible education and development for its children and is continually looking at ways to do things even better.


What is a School Governor?

We have four categories of governor: parents, staff, co-opted and local authority Governors, making up our governing body of ten members. We also have associate members that support the governing body. As individuals, we each have different reasons for becoming a governor. We come from different backgrounds and have a wide range of skills and experience between us, which we are able to use to help the school. As governors, we give up our time on a voluntary basis but it is a very rewarding and interesting way to become productively involved in the life of the school and help it to achieve its aims.


Meet the Governors


Ian Sizmur (Chair)

Rod woodhouse (Vice Chair)

Sue Dyer (Head)

Gina Taylor (Assistant Head)

Sandra Harding

Sheetal Mehta

Martin Botha

Lindsay Lakhani

Sophie Haylock


Most governors are members of one or two committees, whose work is reported back to the full governing body so that all governors are kept informed of matters and work progress:


Personnel, Premises & Finance Committee:  From a personnel perspective we assist on recruitment and retention of the staff team, we implement relevant pay and conditions policies and we review the staffing structure of the school. From a financial aspect we look to monitor the budget of the school and ensure we make the relevant resources available when needed. We pride ourselves in having a fantastic team of Teachers, Teaching Assistants and support staff who work tirelessly on behalf of the Children. In addition we monitor the school building and health and safety of the premises.

Curriculum, Standards & Safeguarding Committee:  This committee meets to discuss standards and level of achievement and to focus on subject areas and assessment. This can include work scrutiny and liaison with subject leaders. This committee also oversees the crucial aspect of safeguarding including child protection, e-safety, health and safety and welfare.


All Governors are assigned specific subject areas which are identified in the who's who section below. We pride ourselves in having a fantastic and advanced curriculum that is fully integrated between the different subjects and makes the most of our fabulous resources indoors and outdoors.

As you can see from the Governor Roles section each of the governors has a responsibility to work with specific subject leaders. This builds a good working relationship with the teaching staff and allows Governors to gain a greater insight into particular subject areas.

We also have Link Governors for specific areas important to the school. These include Pupil Premium, Early Years, Special Educational Needs, Health & Safety and GDPR.


We are proud to be part of such a welcoming and friendly school as Hobletts Manor Infants and Nursery School, where the children are happy, valued, well-supported and encouraged to achieve their individual potential and where the staff are extremely dedicated, hard-working and approachable.


Attendance Register for Full Governors Board meetings 2022-2023

11th July 2023

Present - Martin Botha (Chair), Sue Dyer (Head teacher), Rod Woodhouse, Lindsay Lakhani, Sheena Lee, Sophie Haylock, Sandra Harding, Rebecca Surridge, Ian Sizmur, Gina Taylor and Allyson Woodhouse (HFL Clerk)


21st March 2023

Present - Martin Botha, , Sue Dyer, Rosie Dibley, Lynne Sygrave (last meeting), Sandra Harding, Sophie Haylock, Shena Lee, Lindsay Lakhani, Gina Taylor, Rebecca Surridge, Rod Woodhouse, Ian Sizmur and Allyson Woodhouse (HFL Clerk)


17th January 2023

Present - Martin Botha, , Sue Dyer, Rosie Dibley, Lynne Sygrave, Sandra Harding, Sophie Haylock, Shena Lee, Lindsay Lakhani, Gina Taylor, Rebecca Surridge, Rod Woodhouse and Allyson Woodhouse (HFL Clerk)

Apologies - Ian Sizmur


6th December 2022

Present - Martin Botha, Ian Sizmur, Sue Dyer, Rosie Dibley, Lynne Sygrave, Sophie Haylock (first meeting), Shena Lee (first meeting), Lindsay Lakhani (first meeting), Gina Taylor, Rebecca Surridge and Rod Woodhouse (HFL Clerk)

Apologies - Sandra Harding


18th October 2022

Present - Martin Botha, Sharon Huchings (final meeting), Sue Dyer, Rosie Dibley, Sandra Harding, Lynne Sygrave, Gina Taylor, Rebecca Surridge and Rod Woodhouse (HFL Clerk)

Apologies - Ian Sizmur & Caitrina Kelly (final meeting)


Attendance Register for Full Governors Board meetings 2021-2022


7th June 2022

Present - Martin Botha, Sharon Huchings, Sue Dyer, Sandra Harding, Rosie Dibley, Lynne Sygrave, Ian Sizmur, Caitrina Kelly and Rod Woodhouse (HFL Clerk)


28th March 2022

Present - Martin Botha, Sharon Huchings, Sue Dyer, Sandra Harding, Tom Roberts, Rosie Dibley, Lynne Sygrave, Ian Sizmur, Caitrina Kelly and Rod Woodhouse (HFL Clerk)


18th January 2022

Present - Martin Botha, Sharon Huchings, Sue Dyer, Sandra Harding, Harry Rall, Tom Roberts, Rosie Dibley, Lynne Sygrave, Gina Taylor, Rebecca Surridge, Ian Sizmur and Rod Woodhouse (HFL Clerk)


13th December 2021

Present - Martin Botha, Sharon Huchings, Sue Dyer, Sandra Harding, Harry Rall, Tom Roberts, Rosie Dibley, Lynne Sygrave, Gina Taylor, Rebecca Surridge, Ian Sizmur and Jon Conlon (HFL Clerk)


21st October 2021

Present - Martin Botha, Sharon Huchings, Sue Dyer, Sandra Harding, Harry Rall, Tom Roberts, Rosie Dibley, Lynne Sygrave, Gina Taylor, Rebecca Surridge, Ian Sizmur and Jon Conlon (HFL Clerk)

Declarations Of Interest of Governors from Hobletts Manor Infant & Nursery School
