The children in Nursery will receive paper based learning activities with a selection of tasks and activities. These will link to the Early Years Foundation Stage and be age appropriate for our youngest learners.
There will be tasks set to promote language, play, investigation and physical development. Each activity will be similar to these which children attending the Nursery will be completing.
The Nursery Practitioners will also share various ideas on the School Blog as well as photos and videos through the School Videos section on the school website. Here you will find a selection of stories and short messages for the children to enjoy. We hope that this will bridge the gap for children who are not currently attending Nursery.
The children will have access to Mini Mash where there will be Topic based activities for them to complete. These can be saved in the child's try on the Mini Mash platform where they can be viewed by the Class Teacher. Each child has been given their own personal and private log in, meaning the site is secure and safe for children to use. We ask that you adhere to our eSafety advice, which can be found with the eSaftey Policy on or school website.
If you have any questions, queries or would like to share what your child has been doing, please email the class teacher using the Ladybirds email address;
Keep safe and we hope to see you all soon