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Hobletts Manor Infants' and Nursery School
Achievement for all


Here at Hobletts Manor Infants’ and Nursery School, we use Purple Mash as a planning tool to support us with the delivery our Computing sessions. The children were already familiar with the layout and platform from our Remote Learning and we had reached a point where our computing curriculum needed updating.We felt that using the Purple Mash resources to aid our planning and teaching was the next logical step.

We have liaised closely with our linked Junior School, who have also decided to use the Purple Mash planning to assist them in their delivery of Computing. This means the sessions and skills will continue to build as the children move into Year 3.

Sessions are taught through different topics and these are repeated to build upon the skills they learn. 

Purple Mash is a secure and safe environment for children to complete the tasks and can be accessed from home. This means that families can see what the children have been doing and explore the programs for themselves.


Computing Curriculum Information
