BREAKFAST CLUB – Located at Hobletts Manor Junior School
** From 4th January 2024 new earlier start time of 7.30am available**
Breakfast Club will be booked and paid for as usual via your child’s ARBOR account but will be hosted at the Junior School. Drop off will be clearly signposted – please enter via the gates to the Junior School field and follow the pathways. The Club will be run by Ms Tynan from the Infants School supported by Mrs Botha from the Junior staffing team. Children will be escorted back to the Infants by Ms Tynan and another infant school member of staff at 8.30am.
Charges for Breakfast club will remain at either £4 per child for the 7.45am to 8.30am session or £6 per child for the 7.30am to 8.30am session (from 4th January 2024) as activities are more child focussed for the younger age groups. There will be no requirement to pre-register for Breakfast club as all information is accessible via the School’s ARBOR systems.