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Hobletts Manor Infants' and Nursery School
Achievement for all

Family Forum

What is the Family Forum?

The Family Forum is a partnership between parents, carers and the school. It is a valuable way to share ideas, views, and concerns and make suggestions for improvements that can be made moving forward. The aims of the Family Forum will be to; work together to improve the education provided for our children, share information, knowledge and skills, meet in a mutually supportive environment and further improve communications between parent/carers and staff/governors.


Two representatives from each class are welcome to attend any or all meetings during the year. Meetings will be informal and held each half term. Agendas will be shared in advance on the school website and on classroom doors.  If you wish to submit an agenda item contact Mrs Dyer by phone or email 


The focus of discussions can be anything related to improving the school and further developing the partnership between the school and parents.  It is important to note that meetings are not open to discussion for concerns or complaints involving individual children, families or members of staff. 
